Album Releases 2017


Lorde, Fleet Foxes, Portugal. The Man, Royal Blood
Phew, interessiert mich alles sehr.
Und ich dachte die Big Thief Platte kommt auch noch?

Jimmy Pop

like a princess
Da könnten am Freitag richtige Juwelen dabei sein:
Fleet Foxes, Lorde, Portugal.The Man, Royal Blood, The Drums

€: @Ksaver die kam letzte Woche. Noch nicht gehört? Du wirst nachlässig..


Mos Eisley
Lorde, Fleet Foxes, Portugal. The Man, Royal Blood
Phew, interessiert mich alles sehr.
Und ich dachte die Big Thief Platte kommt auch noch?

Hör mal in die Igorrr rein. Klingt wie absolut nichts, was ich schon mal gehört hab und ist insgesamt auch eher verstörend, aber du bist einer der User hier, denen ich es zutraue, das zu bewältigen :D
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Reaktionen: Ksaver


#MusikfürGledde - ich mach mit!
18.7. 187 Straßenbande - Sampler 4
21.7. Dizze Rascal - Raskit
30.7. Jay-Z - 4:44
30.6. Jay-Z - 4:44

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Jimmy Pop

like a princess

42 Decibel
- Overloaded
Kai Hansen - Thank You Wacken
Áine O'Dwyer - Gallarais (MIE)
Algiers - The Underside Of Power
Amanda - Karussell
Anarquia Vertical - Sistema Total De Liberacion (La Vida Es Un Mus)
Angelwings - The Edge of Innocence
Anne Pe - Glowing Seas
Aviator - Loneliness Leaves The Light On For Me (No Sleep)
Barb Wire Dolls - Rub My Mind
Bedouine - Bedouine (Caroline)
Ben Zucker - Na Und?!
Bent Knee - Land Animal
Bob Marley - Golden Hits
Bone Thugs - New Waves
Camo & Krooked - Mosaik
Captain - The King Of No Man
Cevdet Erek - Davul (Subtext)
Chon - Homey
Claude Challe And Jean-Marc Challe - Select 10
Claudia Koreck - Holodeck
Crash Ensemble - Ghosts
DJ Khaled - Grateful
Der Plan - Unkapitulierbar
Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa - Are Euphoria (Thrill Jockey)
Dying Fetus - Wrong One To Fuck With
Earle, Steve And The Dukes - So You Wannabe An Outlaw
Ex Eye - Ex Eye (Relapse)
Gerard - AAA
Goatwhore - Vengeful Ascension
Good Morning - Glory/Shawcross (Bedroom Suck)
Gov't Mule - Revolution Come ... Revolution Go (2LP)
Guerilla Toss - GT Ultra (DFA)
Guttermouth - The Whole Enchilada
Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Arnold Kasar - Einfluss
Happy Meals - Full Ashram Devotional Ceremony Volumes IV-VI (Optimo)
Henrik Ajax - Nexus
Hollow Everdaze - Cartoons (Deaf Ambitions)
House And Land - House And Land (Thrill Jockey)
Imagine Dragons - Evolve
Ina Colada - Lieblingsschlager
Jaymes Young - Feel Something
Jeff Tweedy - Together At Last (Anti-)
Joe Bonamassa - Live At Carnegie Hall – An Acoustic Evening
Joey Negro - Produced With Love
Johnny Cash - Any Old Wind That Blows (Re-Release 1973)
Kailin - Fracture (Mistry)
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard - Murder Of The Universe
Lando Chill - The Boy Who Spoke To The Wind
Laurel Halo - Dust
Laurin Buser - Schmuck
Libera - Hope
Miles Beneath -Illusions
Montreal - Schackilacki
Moop Mama, Ernst Hutter & Die Egerländer Musikanten - Best Of Woodstock Der Blasmusik
Mt. Wolf - Aetherlight
Municipal Waste - Slime And Punishment
Natalie Merchant - The Natalie Merchant Collection (Boxset)
Nikka Costa - Nikka & Strings: Underneath And In Between
Odyssey - Going Back To My Roots
Ofermod - Sol Nox
Ohrenfeindt - Zwei Fäuste Für Rock'n'Roll
Original Soundtrack - Despicable Me III
Original Soundtrack - Baby Driver
Other Places - Lost In The Sea Of Paradise
Overture - Requiem For A Dying World
PA Sports - Verloren Im Paradies
Panama - Hope For Something EP
Pointer Sisters - Automatic- Best Of
Prince - Purple Rain (Deluxe Expanded Edition)
Prinz Chaos - Väter Und Söhne
Pristine - Ninja
Radiohead - OK Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017
SassyBlack - New Black Swing (Space Theory)
Scott Gilmore - Subtle Vertigo
Screemfeder - Pop Guilt (Ripple)
Semino Rossi - Ein Teil Von Mir
Slaid Cleaves - Ghost On The Car Radio
Small World Experience - Soft Knocks
Steffi - Fabrik 94
Stiff Little Fingers - Best Served Loud
Stills, Nash And Young Crosby - On The Way Home
T.Rex - T Rextasy
Tangerine Dream - Particles
Taz Taylor Band - Pressure And Time
The Deslondes - Hurry Home
The Goon Sax - Up To Anything
The Interbeing - Among The Amorphous
The Monks - Hamburg Recordings 1967
The Sound of Money - More? Why Not!
Tricky Lobsters - Worlds Collide
Triptides - Afterglow
Übergas - Heiss
Una Bèstia Incontrolable - Metamorfosi
USA Nails - Shame Spiral
Various Artists - About:Berlin Vol: 17
Various Artists - Airbeat One – Dance Festival 2017
Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
Von Spar - Garzweiler EP


Ebenezer Hooch
Das neue Album von Beth Ditto ist eins der stärksten von diesem Jahr. Gute Frau.


Hör mal in die Igorrr rein. Klingt wie absolut nichts, was ich schon mal gehört hab und ist insgesamt auch eher verstörend, aber du bist einer der User hier, denen ich es zutraue, das zu bewältigen :D

Dieser Musikstil nennt sich wohl Electronic Grindcore. Auf der visuellen Ebene ist das auch keine leichte Kost

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Aber irgendwie spricht mich das an. :p


Hab auch schon reingehört und erstmal ist es ziemlich abschreckend, lässt einen dann aber doch nicht los.
Stellenweise musste ich sogar wirklich laut lachen.
Man sollte allerdings bei Spotify vielleicht nur inkognito hören, wenn man seine Freunde und Bekannten behalten möchte. :lol:
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Reaktionen: Alphawolf

Jimmy Pop

like a princess

88 Fingers Louie
- Thank You For Being A Friend
ACT Family Band - The Jubilee Concerts
Alan Broadbent & London Metropolitan Orchestra - Developing Story
Ali As - Insomnia
Amplifier - Trippin' With Dr. Faustus (verschoben auf 14. Juli)
Ana Milva Gomes & Riccardo Greco - Ghost – Das Musical
Au.Ra - Cultivations
Baio - Man Of The World
Beach House - B-Sides And Rarities
Bernhard Brink - Mit Dem Herz Durch Die Wand
Bigflo & Oli - La Vraie Vie
Black Messiah - Walls Of Vanaheim
Bogus Order - Zen Brakes Vol. 2
Bryan Adams - Wembley 1996 Live
Calvin Harris - Funk Waves Bounce Vol. 1
Canada Effervescent - Crystalline
Carpenter Brut - Carpenterbrutlive
Catherine MacLellan - If It's Alright WithYou – The Songs Of Gene MacLellan
Cellar Darling - This Is The Sound
Celtic Frost - Innocence And Wrath – Best Of
Chris Cornell - In Memory Of (Audiobook)
Chronixx - Chronology
Circle - Terminal
Desultory - Through The Aching Aeons
Dexter - Haare Nice, Socken Fly
Django S. - Mund Auf, PU-Schaum!
Dorthe - Das Beste Von Dorthe
Elvis Presley - Elvis In The 60's
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Live At Montreux 1997 (DVD/Blu-ray)
Faustix - Faustix
Five Horse Johnson - Jake Leg Boogie
Fleetwood Mac - Love That Burns – The Blues Years
Fler & Jalil - Epic
Floating Points - Reflections: Mojave Desert
Good Morning - Glory / Shawcross
Greg Ashley - Pictures Of Saint Paul Street
Helmet - Meantime (LP Re-Issue)
Iguana Moonlight - Wild Palms
Illa J - Home
James Elkington - Wintres Woma
Jan Loechel - III
Jay-Z - 4:44
Joan Pollock - Stranger
Joey Negro - Produced With Love
Judith & Mel - Ein Leben Lang Lieben
Kacy Hill - Like A Woman
Kaiser Franz Josef - Make Rock Great Again
Kane Strang - Two Hearts And No Brain
Klyne - Klyne
Lake People - Phase Transition
Lany - Lany
Lapalux - Ruinism
LeVent - LeVent
Lexer - Against The Current
Lorenzo Al Dino - Ibiza
Manilla Road - To Kill A King
Max Merseny - World Traveller
Needles//Pins - Good Night, Tomorrow
Nils Landgren, Funk Unit - Unbreakable
Origin - Unparalleled Universe
Peter Perrett - How The West Was Won
Phil Collins - Going Back: Live At Roseland Ballroom NYC (DVD/Blu-ray)
Powerboys - Vollgas
PTK - Ungerächte Welt
Quaeschning & Schnauss - Synthwaves
Randfichten - 25
Rebolledo - Mondo Re-Alterado
Rheingold - Im Lauf Der Zeit
Riot - Shine On - Reissue
Rising Insane - Nation
ROME - Hansa Studio Sessions
Scheuber - Changes
Screamfeeder - Pop Guilt
See Trough Dresses - Horse Of The Other World
Shade Empire - Poetry Of The Ill-Minded
Sheryl Crow - Miles From Memphis: Live At The Pantages Theatre (DVD/Blu-ray)
Sonny Landreth - Recorded Live In Lafayette
Stallion - From The Dead
Stone Sour - Hydrograd
STYX - The Mission (Limited LP)
Superpitcher - The Golden Ravedays 6
The Beach Boys - 1967 – Sunshine Tomorrow
The Cure - Greatest Hits (2LP Re-Issue)
The Cure - Acoustic Hits (2LP Re-Issue)
Tower Of Babel - Lake Of Fire
Tuesday The Sky - Drift
Various Artists - Cafe Del Mar 23
Various Artists - Down At The Ugly Men's Lounge
Various Artists - Helene Beach Festival 2017
Vintersorg - Till Fjälls Del II
Washed Out - Mister Mellow
Weapönizer - Lawless Age
Wesley Gonzalez - Excellent Musician
Wolfang Petry - Den Gibt's Nur Einmal
X.Y.R. - Labyrinth
Ye Banished Privateers - First Night Back In Port

Highlights: Dexter, Jay-Z, Wolle Petry


#MusikfürGledde - ich mach mit!

88 Fingers Louie
- Thank You For Being A Friend
ACT Family Band - The Jubilee Concerts
Alan Broadbent & London Metropolitan Orchestra - Developing Story
Ali As - Insomnia
Amplifier - Trippin' With Dr. Faustus (verschoben auf 14. Juli)
Ana Milva Gomes & Riccardo Greco - Ghost – Das Musical
Au.Ra - Cultivations
Baio - Man Of The World
Beach House - B-Sides And Rarities
Bernhard Brink - Mit Dem Herz Durch Die Wand
Bigflo & Oli - La Vraie Vie
Black Messiah - Walls Of Vanaheim
Bogus Order - Zen Brakes Vol. 2
Bryan Adams - Wembley 1996 Live
Calvin Harris - Funk Waves Bounce Vol. 1
Canada Effervescent - Crystalline
Carpenter Brut - Carpenterbrutlive
Catherine MacLellan - If It's Alright WithYou – The Songs Of Gene MacLellan
Cellar Darling - This Is The Sound
Celtic Frost - Innocence And Wrath – Best Of
Chris Cornell - In Memory Of (Audiobook)
Chronixx - Chronology
Circle - Terminal
Desultory - Through The Aching Aeons
Dexter - Haare Nice, Socken Fly
Django S. - Mund Auf, PU-Schaum!
Dorthe - Das Beste Von Dorthe
Elvis Presley - Elvis In The 60's
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Live At Montreux 1997 (DVD/Blu-ray)
Faustix - Faustix
Five Horse Johnson - Jake Leg Boogie
Fleetwood Mac - Love That Burns – The Blues Years
Fler & Jalil - Epic
Floating Points - Reflections: Mojave Desert
Good Morning - Glory / Shawcross
Greg Ashley - Pictures Of Saint Paul Street
Helmet - Meantime (LP Re-Issue)
Iguana Moonlight - Wild Palms
Illa J - Home
James Elkington - Wintres Woma
Jan Loechel - III
Jay-Z - 4:44
Joan Pollock - Stranger
Joey Negro - Produced With Love
Judith & Mel - Ein Leben Lang Lieben
Kacy Hill - Like A Woman
Kaiser Franz Josef - Make Rock Great Again
Kane Strang - Two Hearts And No Brain
Klyne - Klyne
Lake People - Phase Transition
Lany - Lany
Lapalux - Ruinism
LeVent - LeVent
Lexer - Against The Current
Lorenzo Al Dino - Ibiza
Manilla Road - To Kill A King
Max Merseny - World Traveller
Needles//Pins - Good Night, Tomorrow
Nils Landgren, Funk Unit - Unbreakable
Origin - Unparalleled Universe
Peter Perrett - How The West Was Won
Phil Collins - Going Back: Live At Roseland Ballroom NYC (DVD/Blu-ray)
Powerboys - Vollgas
PTK - Ungerächte Welt
Quaeschning & Schnauss - Synthwaves
Randfichten - 25
Rebolledo - Mondo Re-Alterado
Rheingold - Im Lauf Der Zeit
Riot - Shine On - Reissue
Rising Insane - Nation
ROME - Hansa Studio Sessions
Scheuber - Changes
Screamfeeder - Pop Guilt
See Trough Dresses - Horse Of The Other World
Shade Empire - Poetry Of The Ill-Minded
Sheryl Crow - Miles From Memphis: Live At The Pantages Theatre (DVD/Blu-ray)
Sonny Landreth - Recorded Live In Lafayette
Stallion - From The Dead
Stone Sour - Hydrograd
STYX - The Mission (Limited LP)
Superpitcher - The Golden Ravedays 6
The Beach Boys - 1967 – Sunshine Tomorrow
The Cure - Greatest Hits (2LP Re-Issue)
The Cure - Acoustic Hits (2LP Re-Issue)
Tower Of Babel - Lake Of Fire
Tuesday The Sky - Drift
Various Artists - Cafe Del Mar 23
Various Artists - Down At The Ugly Men's Lounge
Various Artists - Helene Beach Festival 2017
Vintersorg - Till Fjälls Del II
Washed Out - Mister Mellow
Weapönizer - Lawless Age
Wesley Gonzalez - Excellent Musician
Wolfang Petry - Den Gibt's Nur Einmal
X.Y.R. - Labyrinth
Ye Banished Privateers - First Night Back In Port

Highlights: Dexter, Jay-Z, Wolle Petry
Fler & Jalil - Epic

Jimmy Pop

like a princess
AC/DC - Old Waldorf San Francisco '77
Ako - Unikum
All 41 - World's Best Hope
Andreas Dorau - Die Liebe Und Der Ärger Der Anderen
Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra - Vula
Artefuckt - Manifest
Bjorn Torske & Prins Thomas - Square One
Black Grape - Pop Voodoo
Blank & Jones - Relax Edition 10
Blind Guardian - Live Beyond The Spheres
Broken Social Scene- Hug Of Thunder
Calimeros - Aloha
Capo - Alles Auf Rot
Dan Black - Do Not Revenge
David Bowie - Labyrinth (Original Soundtrack) (Vinyl Re-Release)
DCVDNS - Der Erste Tighte Wei$$e
Decapitated - Anticult
Die Toten Hosen - Wannsee (Maxi mit 2 Non-Album-Tracks)
Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa - Are Euphoria
Eleine - Eleine
Elton John - Honky Chateau (Vinyl Re-Release)
Excalion - Dream Alive
Expulsion - Nightmare Future
Faber - Sei ein Faber im Wind
Good Morning - Glory/Shawcross
Great Grandpa - Plastic Cough
Haim - Something To Tell You
Happy Meals - Full Ashram Devotional Ceremony Volumes IV-VI
Hard Driver - #nosleep
Hidden Orchestra - Dawn Chorus
House And Land - House And Land
Island People - Island People
Jameszoo - Flake EP
Jasmine Guffond - Traced
Jet - Get Born (Re-Release LP/CD)
Jet - Shine On (Re-Release LP/CD)
Jupiter & Okwess International - Kin Sonic
K.D. Lang - Ingenue (25th Anniversary Edition)
Love Theme - Love Theme (Alter)
Lucy Rose - Somethings Changing
Lyenn - Slow Healer
Marc Romboy & Dortmunder Philharmoniker - Reconstructing Debussy
Melvins - A Walk With Love & Death
Mike Cooper - Raft (ROOM40)
Nickelback - All The Right Reasons (Vinyl Re-Release)
Nickelback - Silver Side Up (Vinyl Re-Release)
Nickelback - The Long Road (Vinyl Re-Release)
Orden Ogan - Gunmen
Original Soundtrack - Big Little Lies
Porter Ricks - Anguilla Electrica
Powerflo - Powerflo
Public Service Broadcasting - Every Valley
Rey & Kjavik - Rkadash
River Black - River Black
Schneider Kacirek - Radius Walk
Seven - 4Colors
Sevyn Streeter - Girl Disrupted
Silla - Blockchef (Ltd. Fan Edt.)
Sivu - Sweet Sweet Silent
Sondaschule - Schere, Stein, Papier
Telescopes - As Light Return
The Boyscout - We Were Kings
The Chemical Brothers - Dig Your Own Hole (Vinyl Re-Release)
The Goon Sax - Up To Anything
This Is The Kit - Moonshine Freeze
Toro Y Moi - Boo Boo
USA Nails - Shame Spiral
Various - Many Faces Of Alice Cooper
Various - The Dome Summer 2017
White Violet - Ages

Highlights: 3x Nickelback


Weidhausen b. Coburg
14.07. Obscurity - Streitmacht
21.07. Wintersun - The Forest Seasons
21.07. In This Moment - Ritual
24.07. Edguy - Monuments
28.07. Alice Cooper - Paranomal
04.08. Accept - The Rise Of Chaos
18.08. Eluveitie - Evocation II
25.08. Vulture - The Guillotine
25.08. Alpha Tiger - s/t
25.08. Dead Lord - In Ignorance We Trust
08.09. Arch Enemy - Will To Power
08.09. Cannabis Corpse - Left Hand Path
29.09. Evil Invaders - Feed Me Violence
31.10. Procession - Doom Decimation

Und hier noch viele andere kommende Veröffentlichungen.:)
Kommende Album-Veröffentlichungen

Hab den Thread übrigens mal wieder auf den neuesten Stand gebracht.:D

Jimmy Pop

like a princess
12 Stones - Picture Perfect
Alpa Gun - Walther-P
Amplifier - Trippin' With Dr Faustus
Art Feynman - Blast Off Through The Wicker
Baio - Man Of The World
Bettina Köster - Kolonel Silvertop
Bloodclot - Up In Arms
Boris - Dear
Camorra - Mourning, Resistance, Celebration
Charles Aznavour - Collected
Charles Lloyd New Quartet - Passin' Thru
Cheap Wine - Cheap Wine
Claude Speeed - Infinity Ultra
Corridor - Supermercado
Daniela Alfinito - Sag Mir Wo Du Bist
Danny & The Champions Of The World - Brilliant Light
Dasher - Sodium
David Nance - Negative Boogie
Destruction - Release From Agony
Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentleman - It's OK To Love DLDGG
Die Shitlers - This Is Bochum Not L.A.
Doug Kershaw - Very Best Of Doug Kershaw
Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa - Are Euphoria
E.m.m.a. - LA Mermaid
Edguy - Monuments
EDX - Two Decades
Eric Dolphy - Putward Bound
Eva Luginger - Unzertrennlich
Execration - Return To The Void
Expulsion - Nightmare Future
Felix Jaehn Und Hight - Hot2touch
Flowers Of Evil - City Of Fear
Francobollo - Long Live Life
George Garcia - Mittendrin
Happy Meals - Full Ashram Devotional Ceremony Volumes IV-VI
Henry Saiz - Balance Presents Natura Sonoris
Hodina und Havlicek - Geborgene Schaetze
House And Land - House And Land
Integrity - Howling, For The Nightmare Shall Consume
Jana Rush - Pariah
Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet
John Murry - A Short History Of Decay
Kalbells - Ten Flowers
Katie Ellen - Cowgirl Blues
Killflavour - Forest Mirror
Kiss - 2 for 1: Destroyer/ Rock And Roll Over
Kollegah - Legacy
Krappmann - Niemandsland
KsFreakWhatElse - Whatelse
Laibach - Also Sprach Zarathustra
Lee Bains III - Youth Detention
Lifehouse - Greatest Hits
Mamas & Papas - Collected
Mc Bogy und DJ Craft - Best of Mixtape
Melt Downer - Melt Downer
Mr Jukes - God First
Mura Masa - Mura Masa
Murcof x Wagner - EP.02
Neil Young - Hitchhiker
Nic Knatterton & Die Marmeladenfabrik - Konfitüre
Nick Lowe - The Abominable Shodowman
Nidia - Nidia E Ma, Nidia E Fudida
Obscurity - Streitmacht
Offa Rex - The Queen Of Hearts
Oh Wonder - Ultralife
Paradise Lost - One Second
Patricia - Several Shades Of The Same Color
Paul Falk - 1000 Lieder
Paul Simon - The Concert in Hyde Park
Peaking Lights - The Fifth State Of Consciousness
Poppy Ackroyd - Sketches
Pott Riddim - Nie Mehr Arbeiten Gehen
Pregnancy - Urgency
Psychic Temple - IV
Psychic TV - Allegory & Self
Psychic TV - Pagan Day
Robin Marc - Alles Im Lot
Rpwl - A New Dawn
Sextile - Albeit Living
Shabazz Palaces - Quazarz Vs. The Jealous Machines
Shabazz Palaces - Quazarz: Born On A Gangster Star
Sheer Mag - Need To Feel Your Love
Silverstein - Dead Reflection
Sparks - No 1 In Heaven
SQÜRL - EP #260
Status Quo - The Last Night Of The Electrics
Sudan Archives - Sudan Archives
Teenage Bottlerocket - Stealing the Covers
Terrace Martin Presents The Pollyseeds - Sounds Of Crenshaw Vol. 1
The Americans - I'll Be Yours
The Dears - Times Infinity Volume Two
The Moody Blues - Collected
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - The Echo Of Pleasure
The Stevens - Good
The Vamps - Night & Day
Tigersclaw - Princess Of The Dark
Twinsmith - Stay Cool
Us And Us Only - Full Flower
Various - Baby Driver
Various - Parookaville 2017
Various - Punk Goes Pop
Various - Seafaring Strangers: Private Yacht
Various - Simply Soundtracks
Various - Soul On The Real Side
Voight-Kampff - The Din Of Dying Youth EP
Waxahatchee - Out In The Storm
Weeping Icon - Eyeball Under EP
White Poppy - The Pink Haze Of Love
William Ryan Fritch - The Old Believers
William Ryan Fritch - The Sum Of Its Parts
Wizkid - Sounds From The Other Side
Xordox - Neospection
Yoko Ono - Fly
Yoko Ono - Approximately Infinite Universe

Highlights: Waxahatchee