Oh man, ihr seht sie jez dann schon und ich muss noch 3 Monate warten 
Aber wünsche allen viel Spaß, den ihr ja auf jeden Fall haben werdet ;)
Aber wünsche allen viel Spaß, den ihr ja auf jeden Fall haben werdet ;)
ich glaub das sie das war
What is the ACDC set list for 2008-2009?
01. Rock 'N Roll Train (from Black Ice, 200
02. Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be (from Let There Be Rock, 1977)
03. Back In Black (from Back In Black, 1980)
04. Stiff Upper Lip (from Stiff Upper Lip, 2000)
05. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (from Dirty Deeds, 1976)
06. Thunderstruck (from The Razors Edge, 1990)
07. Hard As A Rock (from Ballbreaker, 1995)
08. The Jack (from TNT, 1975)
09. Hells Bells (from Back In Black, 1980)
10. Shoot To Thrill (from Back In Black, 1980)
11. You Shook Me All Night Long (from Back In Black, 1980)
12. TNT (from TNT, 1975)
13. Whole Lotta Rosie (from Let There Be Rock, 1977)
14. Let There Be Rock (from Let There Be Rock, 1977)
15. Highway To Hell (from Highway To Hell, 1979)
16. For Those About To Rock (from For Those About To Rock, 1981)
17. Anything Goes (from Black Ice, 200
18. Big Jack (from Black Ice, 200
19. War Machine (from Black Ice, 200
20. Black Ice (from Black Ice, 200
21. Bad Boy Boogie (from Let There Be Rock, 1977
aber die Reihenfolge war anders!!
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