Religiöse Texte (u.a. Audioslave)


Schönwetter Camping-Prophet
So, heut beim autofahren hab ich mal wieder audioslave gehört und diesmal intensiv die Lyrics studiert.. und da sind mir einige stellen aufgefallen:

Show me how to live
Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life now
Show me how to live

Like a Stone
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone I'll wait for you there

On my deathbed I will pray
To the gods and the angels
Like a pagan to anyone
Who will take me to heaven
To a place I recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The wine was bled
And there you led me on

Light my way
In my hour of need
On the sea of gray
O on my knees I pray to you
Help me find the dawn
O f the dying day

Won't you light my way?
Won't you light my way?

The last remaining light
And if you don’t believe
The sun will rise
Stand alone and greet
The coming night
In the last remaining light

Seven moons and seven suns
Heaven wait for those who run
Down your winter and underneath your waves
Where you watch and you wait
And pray for the day

I'm not a martyr, I'm not a prophet
And I wont preach to you
But here's a caution
You better understand
That I wont hold your hand
But if it helps you man
Then I wont stop it

set it off
Set if off
Set it off now children
Set it right
Set it off
Set it on my children
Set a fire

Jesus at the back door
Everything is alright
All we need is some direction

Bring em back alive
And just like the heathens thinking
On our feet we believe in god
And with one step, two steps
Three steps toward the graveyard
On the high road to remembering
It seems that we forgot

Ich hab die oberen Lyrics gekürzt, es gibt noch zig weitere Hinweise darauf! Die sind aber recht zweideutig, darum hab ich sie weggelassen... trotzdem: Entweder ich hab Illusionen oder aber an meiner Theorie is was dran. Das komische ist ja, dass sie an sich keine christliche Musik machen.. was denkt ihr dazu?