Wie gesagt.. in den USA läuft der Film ja schon und wird ziemlich verrissen. Sowohl von Kritikern als auch von Alien/Predator Fans
Hier mal Beispiel:
"Whoever wins... we lose.
Underneath the artic ice, a heat pulse sparks the attention of a Weyland Industries survey satellite. Quickly assembling a team of scientist and miners, the corporation lead by it's founder Bishop Weyland head up to inspect the pulse. Buried beneath the ice Weyland and crew find an ancient pyramid that holds more than just buried secrets. Now he and his crew will become trapped in a battle of intergalactic proportions and historic consequences.
Finally after fifteen years the wait is over, and it wasn't worth it. I had such high hopes going into this film, from the trailers to the promos I was enthralled for this film, but I felt very let down.
First off there is some very good points to this film, so here goes. The predators and the aliens both look amazing.
The predators are fearsome and move with true realism, the aliens are fluid and slithery and at the end the queen alien looks as good as the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. Also if there was CGI it was minute and unnoticeable, very well done. The film also has tons of references to the other films in both franchises and other sci-fi and horror films, see if you can catch them.
Now for the bad. The plot, it's good but way too much back story, I wanted aliens and predators only. There is also way too many errors in some of the film plot holes. The best example of this is when a scientist unravels the mystery of the hieroglyphics and the why and how the aliens are there. This does however lead into an incredible flashback scene atop a pyramid that absolutely kicked ass. Also the fight scenes are hard to follow, too many close ups and spiraling falls. There is also another of those outrun sequences that both me and the Horrorist cannot stand, you know where a human outruns the speed of sound or nuclear explosion somehow. The film also takes forever to get started and once the action starts there is only about ten minutes left in the movie, just a damn shame.
Maybe I'm being harsh because I wanted this one to be good, no, I needed it to be good, but it's not. I even won free tickets to this film and took a fellow member of this site with me to enjoy it before our adventure to HorrorFind Weekend, but even that didn't help. I know I'll end up buying this on DVD just to have it in the collection of two of my favorite monsters, but both the aliens and the predator deserved better than this, much better."
Man beachte: Der Film wurde bewusst auf "Frei ab 12" hin produziert, also nichts mehr mit Bluteffekten und Horror etc..